My friends,
I have just a few updates for you today. I feel like I have been talking way too much about myself this year, so I will keep it short and simple.
- I AM CANCER FREE!!!! I received the world’s best news in August. After over 600 hours of treatment I am now cancer free! So much thanks goes to those who have been supporting me along the way. I have taken away so many priceless lessons from this experience and you can bet that I will use those lessons to inspire others in a greater way.
I am back on the road. My energy came back quickly and I am now operating at 100%. This past month I have been traveling around the Pacific Northwest speaking to some incredible educators. Outside of spending time with my family, nothing gives me greater joy than to have a chance to equip and inspire others. It is so good to be back! Over the next year you will be able to see me in places as far as Dallas, Chicago, and Columbus, as well as all over the state of Washington. I look forward to seeing many of you out there. If you wish to inquire about me coming to your neck of the woods, you can reach me at
- The best is yet to come. I have a new found appreciation for this limited time we have on earth. I feel an even larger responsibility to use my God-given talents to help people help kids. Keep an eye on my Facebook page and this website to keep up with all that I have been up to.
That is all! Now back to our regularly scheduled program of talking about how we can help kids!!!!
-Patrick Mulick
So great to hear you are healed. Praise the Lord. Well wishes from Judy Swenson Tacoma School District SPED bus driver .
Very happy for you. Thank God every day for restoring your health. Candle still lit daily as a reminder to he thankful. Excited to see you and family Saturday.
Glad to hear your great news! Kathy, severe aide from Fort Bend, Tx.