Whenever it is that your students return for in-person instruction, one significant change they will have to adapt to is the number of people wearing masks. While wearing a mask is an important skill to teach your students, teaching them about the world of mask wearing is a completely different journey. Below is a lineup of three adults. You tell me which one looks like a caring and supportive educator that a student should expect when they return to school.

The correct answer: none of them! Yes, that is me in the middle, properly wearing my mask on a sunny day. I do not look welcoming and neither will any of us, at least not at first glance. Educators will need to be thoughtful with how to show their students that they are people who can be trusted. We must not forgot that it is through our smile and through our caring tone that we show students that they are in a safe place. We must not let our masks become barriers to creating and maintaining positive relationships.
Before in-person instruction starts, it would be wise to send home photos of you and your glowing smile when you have your mask off and what you look like with your mask on. With this being one of the many changes happening in the classroom, it might also be wise for you the teacher to create a quick video tour of your classroom while wearing your mask. This may help students wrap their minds around what school will look like long before they are confronted with it. The more your students are prepared with what to expect, the more successful they will be.
Keep your photos and thoughts coming on what your self-contained classroom will look like and stay tuned for more!
Patrick Mulick