Day 11 of ASD De-escalation Tips: The Perfect Consequence


Your room looks like a small tornado just ran through it.  The chairs are tipped over, books and paper clutter the floor, and your ears are still ringing from the screaming.   The well planned lesson you had put together was ruined by another escalation and now the rest of …

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Day 7 of ASD De-escalation Tips: Empower the Learner


When staff go through the diligent process of filling out an escalation cycle they need to remember to involve the most important person on the team: the student.  As thought out as the staff’s approaches might be to support de-escalation, they can still be …

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Day 6 of ASD De-escalation Tips: Tantrum vs. Escalation


If you want to know how to best support a child with autism who is exhibiting challenging behavior you have to know what you are looking at.   The above explanation does a great job of simplifying that process, but in practice it is not always easy.  A behavior that starts off as …

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Day 2 of ASD De-esclation Tips: What to do When….


What should you do when a student throws a book at you in class because they are upset?  What should you do when a student attempts to hit you in the cafeteria because they are overwhelmed?  What should you do when a student attempts to stab you with their pencil …

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