Category: Behavioral Interventions & Resources
Using “Glitter Force” to Reinforce Behavior
Alternatives to Isolation Rooms for Students with Autism
De-escalation Made Simple for Students with Autism

You can never be too equipped with de-escalation, even when it comes to recalling concepts you have already learned. I received a great deal of positive feedback from my series on de-escalation in autism. If you didn’t have the chance to read each entry, the links are posted below. Since then I have …
Why You Should Stop Telling Your Students with Autism to “Make Good Choices”
Tips for Wrapping Up the School Year for Your Student with Autism
Helping Students with High Functioning Autism Reflect on their Behavior Using Contingency Comics

Increasing your student’s capacity to accurately reflect on their behavior in a manner that might influence future behavior is an uphill battle when it comes to supporting those with autism. I personally struggled with this as a high school teacher with my student Brandon over ten years ago. After seeking out different methodologies, …
The Social Stories Cheat Sheet
Making Morning Check-ins Incredible for Students with Autism
Utilizing Minecraft and Other Highly Restricted Interests to Support Students with Autism

Successfully teaching students with autism how the world works often requires us getting to know a bit about their world first. This means coming to understand their individual interests, passions, and fears that drive them. Over the years as an Autism Specialist I have found that when you take a “highly restricted …